
Friday, February 17, 2017

Exclude specifi ORA error from Database target Metrics

Exclude ORA Error from Database target Metrics

To exclude an ORA Error from OEM, follow these steps:
1.  In Cloud Control, go to the target database and navigate to Oracle Database à Monitoring à Metrics and collection Settings.

2.       On Next Window click Edit icon for the “Generic Alert log Error”

3.       On Next Window we can see the Alert log filter expression with default values, there we need to add our errors which we need to ignore

4.       Below are the errors which we need to exclude as per dream environment , so I am creating the exception expression as “New one”

5.       For Creating the expression we can use the below site to check the expression values is correct or not.

6.       Create the expression and give the error message in the text box like above and below image and you can see the show match, it need to match, if it is matches the ORA error will exclude in OEM Metrics.

7.       On Next Window paste the tested expression in the alert log filtering box and click continue.

8.       On Next Window click ok, unless you click ok here, the metrics will save the new changes.

9.On Next Window You can see the saved metric confirmation result.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

OEM Agent issues and solution

Issue 1::

Error : EMD upload error: uploadXMLFiles skipped :: OMS version not checked yet...*

a) Please use the below steps

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent
rm -r $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/state/*
rm -r $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/collection/*
rm -r $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/upload/*
*rm $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/lastupld.xml*
*rm $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/agntstmp.txt*
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl clearstate agent
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl upload

If option a doesnt work,

b) Please try below
    emctl stop agent
rm sysman/emd/agntstmp.txt
rm sysman/emd/blackouts.xml
rm -r sysman/emd/state/*
rm -r sysman/emd/collection/*
rm -r sysman/emd/upload/*
rm sysman/emd/lastupld.xml
rm sysman/emd/protocol.ini
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl clearstate agent
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl upload

Issue 2::

Move targets to the new OMS::

To be done on every hosts that should be connected to the additional OMS.

   - Login as oracle account
      - Setup Agent environment
         - *# set the oms/agent environment*
      - Stop the Management Agent.
         - *# emctl stop agent*
      - Adapt the $oh/sysman/config/ to point to the new OMS
      host REPOSITORY_URL==http://*<new fq oms name>*:4889/em/upload
      emdWalletSrcUrl=http://*<new fq oms name>*:4889/em/wallets/emd
      emdWalletDest=*<OMS HOME>*/sysman/config/server
      - Delete all the files in the following directories:
         - *rm $oh/sysman/emd/upload/*{}*
         - *rm $oh/sysman/emd/state/*
      - Restart the Management Agent
         - *# emctl start agent*
      - Force an upload
         - *# emctl upload agent*
      - Check the status

         - *# emctl status agent*

Issue 3::

When you find "Metric collection error", or "Target is broken state. Reason
- Computer dynamic property takes too long", usually you can find them in
unkown targets, you can use the following method to fix:

Find the metric error target name and type in
$AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml, then

emctl reload agent dynamicproperties <Target name>:<Target type>


emctl reload agent dynamicproperties

Adding/Removing disk to ASM Diskgroup via OEM

Adding/Removing disk to ASM Diskgroup via OEM
To add a disk to an ASM disk group, follow these steps:
1.       In Cloud Control, Search the ASM target and go to ASM Home page, from the ASM menu click the Disk Groups as highlighted below.

2.  On Next Window you can see all the disk groups, then you can Click the diskgroup where you need the space. (ex : click P---N_DBF01)

3.       On Next Window we can see the all disk which is belongs to the Diskgroup, to add the disk, click Add button in the righ-side corner.

4.       Once we click the Add on Next Window we can see the all Candidate disk which is available to add, in that select the disk which we need to add, if needed we can select the multiple disk also and select rebalance value depend on the environment.

5.       On Same Window we can see the show SQL button to see the SQL command which is going to execute if we want to check and then come back and Click Ok to add disk.

6.       On Next Window we will get the update message that the disk added successfully.

7.       Then we can check the Disk group Members used % status, if all the disk are in the same size then the Rebalance operation is completed successfully. On upcoming screen shots we can see the rebalance operation completion status.

8.       Below is the latest disk group usage after adding the disk to the diskgroup.

Removing disk from ASM Diskgroup via OEM
To remove a disk from an ASM disk group, follow these steps:
1.       In Cloud Control, Search the ASM target and go to ASM Home page, from the ASM menu click the Disk Groups, from that page click the disk group which u need to alter, the below page will open , there you can find the list of disk added to Disk group.

2.       Now you can select the disk which you need to remove and click the Remove button

3.       On Next Window you can give the rebalance power limit and click Yes to Remove the Disk from Disk Group

4.       Crosscheck the Query with show SQL Option.

5.  Now the Disk is successfully removed from the Disk Group.

6.       Now the Disk available in the disk group after dropping the disk

7.       The Removed Disk went to Former disk state as highlighted below.

8.       And Crosscheck the Disk group size in sqlplus level also.

Adding datafile to tablespace via OEM12c

Adding datafile to tablespace via OEM12c
To add a datafile to tablespace follow these steps:
1.       In Cloud Control, Search the DB target and go to DB Home page, from the Administration menu click the Tablespaces as highlighted below.

2.       On Next Window, select the tablespace where we need to add datafile and select Add datafile in Action dropdown box and Click Go as highlighted below.

3.       On Next Window, Now Select Correct Disk Group name and storage type datafile size and autoextend option as per our epsilon standards, crosscheck the details before click Ok.

4.       And also check the SQL which going to execute for this datafile addition by clicking show SQL button,

5.       Return to previous Window and Click Ok to add datafile. Once you Click Ok, the datafile will add and the status message will display after successfully addition like below.

6.       We can click the tablespace name and we can check the newly added datafile details as below and repeat the same steps to add more datafile to get the tablespace usage under the threshold value.

7.       Below we can find the tablespace current usage after adding datafile to it.

Adding agent Targets in OEM

Adding agent Targets in OEM

To add an agent targets, follow these steps:

1.  In Cloud Control, from the Setup menu, select Add Target, and then click Add Target Manually

2.  On Next Window select Add Targets Using Guided Process and select oracle database, listener and ASM in the target types drop down list box.

3.  On Next Window Add the host name where you need to discover the targets and click Next

4.  On Next Window you can see the target discovery in progress.

5.  On Next Window you can see the list of discovered non-configured targets in the server, so now we can configure those targets by giving the dbsnmp password and asmsnmp passwords

6.  Before proceeding to next check for the test connection for the monitoring password which you entered.

7.  Click next to save the targets or configuring the targets in OEM

8.  You can see the list of newly added targets and it status in OEM by searching the targets in the console.

Applying agent patch through OEM 12c

15994313 – Applying agent patch through OEM 12c

Bugs Fixed by This Patch
The following are the bugs fixed by this patch:


To apply an agent patch, follow these steps:
1. In Cloud Control, from the Enterprise menu, 
select Patching and    Provisioning, and then click Patches 
and Updates.
(No need to blackout the targets, it will blackout the 
targets automatically and also it remove blackout once it is done.)
2. if you have already template for this patch as below, 
Just select the Template and click create plan or create 
same before.

3. Then Give the Plan name and add the agent as the target which we going to apply the patch, Click Create Plan as below.

4. In the next step it will ask for the dependency of the targets, if the server is under cluster, Just click add all to plan.

5. In the next window, it will show the patch information which going to apply on the agent. then click Next

6. In the next window, it will ask for stage location and the credential details, select NC_HOST_PROD if it is prod server, select NC_HOST_NONPROD if it is non prod and click validate and then click Next

7. In the next window, Click the analyze button to analyze for the conflicts with agent patches which are already installed. Once it is done, it will show it is ready for deployment as below and then click Next.

8. In the next window crosscheck the server name and the patch name and click the deploy button.

9. Deployment in progress.

10. You can cross check the same in the agent home page target in the OEM 12c console at the homepage of oracle_home target.

Uninstalling OEM agent via CLI Mode

Below Steps to needs to done on OMS Server:: [oracle@sivaOMS001 bin]$ ./emcli sync Synchronized successfully [oracle@sivaOMS001 bin]$ ....